Dr. Kimberly Adams, Board Certified Neuropsychologist Top Right Link Text

January 1, 2008

Important Links and Resources...

ABPP Value Statement
Board certification by the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) provides peer and public recognition of demonstrated competence in an approved specialty area in professional psychology.

The American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN) is the member board of the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) which is responsible for administration of the examination for competence in the specialty of Clinical Neuropsychology. ABPP is the senior parent board for the profession of psychology and was established in 1947, with ABCN being incorporated in 1981.

The International Neuropsychological Society is a multi-disciplinary non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing communication among the scientific disciplines which contribute to the understanding of brain-behavior relationships. The Society currently has more than 4500 members throughout the world.

The National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN) seeks to advance neuropsychology as a science and health profession, to promote human welfare, and to generate and disseminate knowledge of brain-behavior relationships through:

Professional Development
Education & Training
Ethical Standards
Student Support
Public Education